Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Humble Heart

Humility is truly the spring board for a soaring intercessory prayer life. For when we see ourselves as God sees us, we are less concerned with recognition or temporal desires and circumstances. Our value is found in Christ and not others. Our minds will be clear of worldly cobwebs and our hearts become ready to heed the prompting of the Holy Spirit: to pray for the things important to the Lord. Thus, the more content we become the more available we are for kingdom matters. And those who are eager to serve others will definitely be utilized by God.

Until we understand who we are in Christ, we will struggle with humility. For it is not something we can manufacture on our own. A humble heart is not part of our natural make-up but is produced through the revelation of how great and magnificent our God is: glorious and holy. When one grasps man’s truly desperate state and inability to be righteous, they gain insight to the Lord’s humbling mercy and grace. Not a single human soul is righteous. This truth levels the playing field between men and allows room for compassion and acceptance. For each is provided an equal chance at eternal victory. What remains is a choice.

We can choose to accept our humble state before God and surrender our will to serve the Father’s or we can reject the Solid Rock of Christ and strive to build temporal lives which will crumble like castles made of sand. Regardless of who we choose to serve, humility is something every soul will encounter: some through repentance and others through humble pie.

“Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble," 1 Peter 3:8

Tracy L. Frazier
The FOLD: Fellowship Opportunity for Ladies Discipleship

For further insight and contemplation the following links are provided;


Lisa Harper - Kick them in the shins! - YouTube

Music video:

Casting Crowns Who Am I - AWESOME Christian Music ...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Casting Love

    On the third day following Jesus’ death on the crucifixion cross, and having his body laid in an unused tomb, Christ raised himself from the grave. His divinity glorified through His power over death and His resurrected body. Jesus thus inspired and empowered His disciples to life lasting fervent service and devotion. The day our LORD ascended into heaven, He assigned His followers the awesome work until His glorious return; go into the whole world and preach the gospel to all creation. This commission a call to love.  In other words, as love for the world was demonstrated by Jesus through His ministry of healing, restoration and reconciliation with God, the Church is established for the purpose of furthering Christ’s cause; to save the world and not condemn it, (John 3:16-17). An established ministry…to be fishers of men.

     Statistically it is reported that each week somewhere in the world a church closes its doors. In America, 3500 — 4000 churches close their doors each year. (from the Barna Study -- tragic reality testifies that collectively as the Body of Christ we are either casting in our own strength, seeking our own glory or our nets are in desperate need of mending. Regardless of why our nets are proving weak in the world, there is hope in the One who calls us to this ministry of expanding the Kingdom. For though like Simon we are all sinners, when we turn to the Teacher in humble submission and repentance, He will work His will in and through us.

     Consider how Jesus instructed Simon to cast his net in the deep water. Simon obeyed the LORD’S direction and then experienced the greatest catch of his fisher of fish life. A catch so great it threatened to tear nets as well sink Simon and his partner’s boats. The response of Simon is noteworthy. Upon seeing the power of God displayed, Simon gave the glory for the catch to the LORD. Upon pulling in the nets, Simon dropped before Jesus and confessed his sin to One who could transform him.

     This story illustrates a few key points. First, we need to cast the gospel of our LORD and Savior in the power and Spirit of Jesus. If we cast in our own strength and without His direction, we cast in vain. Recall Simon’s response to the LORD’S instruction to cast out in deep water;

            “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so,
              I will let down the nets.” (Luke 5:5NIV).

     Simon’s submission to the LORD’S instructions rendered an astounding catch. In the same way, when we cast in the power of Jesus there should be an increase of believers for the kingdom.  The work of the Spirit should be awesome and undeniably a display of God’s power. Second, believers should never take the credit for the work of the Holy Spirit. The power of God displayed through our service should always remind believers of our own dependency on God's grace and mercy. Third, we need to cast nets of love into the world. Nets of condemnation and judgment are not built by the Spirit of Christ and will frighten away any God sized catch.

     But what are nets of love? The fruit of the Spirit manifested in the believer’s life shared with the world around them: kindness, goodness, faithfulness, patience, gentleness, peace, joy, self-control, and love. These attributes displayed by Christians in days of blessing as well as in days of sorrow are luring to a world which is full of immorality, idolatry, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, impurity and debauchery.

     When Christians practice casting the cares of this world at the feet of Jesus-- trusting His love to see them through--their lives become something attractive.  Like a fishing lure in the water, the Light of the Son in their lives catches the eyes of the spiritually hungry. Likewise, a believer’s testimony of Jesus drawing them out the cesspool of sin, cleansing them and transplanting them to a pure stream of Living Water puts off a tempting aroma. The peaceful connection the believer has with the LORD is impacting to others and in God’s timing penetrates other spirits. It is Jesus who by the work of His Holy Spirit sets the hook into a man’s soul…but He intends His Church to catch the eye of the world that He may draw them near.  

Tracy Frazier
The FOLD: Fellowship Opportunity for Ladies Discipleship

For further insight and contemplation the following links are provided;

Video: Life Church TV: Christine Caine/Be in The World Not of It

Music Video: For King & Country/"The Proof of Your Love"

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

True Beauty and the Beast

            Perhaps you’ve seen the tale. The lovely young maiden seeks to rescue her father from a hideous beast only to sacrifice her own freedom in the process. The heroine Belle’s unconditional love for father and Beast transcends what human minds can reason and eyes can see. How fitting to call her Beauty.

            Today’s culture boasts their definition of beauty on magazine covers, television and movies screens. The ever changing opinion of a select group prompt the craze of change draped over mannequins around the globe. Money driving the beast of fashion and trend until the idea of beauty lasts only as long as a fad. Women buy the lie of the enemy channeled through designers and consequently buy the clothes, accessories and hairstyles. The whole ritual declares beauty short lived and always fleeting; not unlike the ancient altar sacrifices which brought only temporary peace.  

            Yet there is a beauty which is unfading, eternal and highly praised by God; the lovely attributes of a quiet and gentle spirit. This beauty cannot be found in a store and no amount of money can buy it. Yet it is available to every open and seeking heart. Hallelujah! But first the lies we have believed about beauty must be denounced and the clear definitions of quiet, gentle and meek need to be gained. For instance, God says the meek shall inherit the earth, (Mat 5:5, Psa 37:11).        However, the meek are not weak or passive. Instead they are God fearing, humble, obedient, teachable, and patient.
            Likewise, the quiet spirit is not silent but rather it speaks without arguing, it is not arrogant and it never boasts. And the gentle spirit is tender hearted and compassionate, nurturing, encouraging, it is not rude and it knows peace. These are the character traits of a true Beauty which pleases our God. How gracious is the LORD who speaks hope to a fractured spirit gazing in the mirror. Dear sisters, can you hear our Father’s loving voice speaking to our hearts; lasting beauty is not found in reflective glass, it wells up like a soothing spring from the transforming truth in His Word.

            So how do we gain the quiet and gentle spirit that the LORD declares beautiful? We purpose to apply necessary beauty treatments. We spend time soaking in the Scriptures. There, still before the LORD, the truth of God reflects our beauty condition; casting light on areas dry, cracked and worn in need of exfoliation, moisturizer and renewal. And similar to the rejuvenation which is gained by spending time in a health spa, the spirit is cleansed with every application of God’s truth to our lives.

            I want this unfading beauty which sun, wind and time are helpless to erode. So I dare to bare my soul before the Healer. I breathe in God’s words of life and I steep my mind in His Spirit. I bypass the mirror and seek the LORD’s reflection in my thoughts and deeds. Still, I bow before the Lover of my soul in submission trusting that as I give myself over to the work of His hands, I will indeed emerge…better than before, purer…beautiful.

            Daughters, fret not over the lies of the beast in the mirror and our world, for God is faithful!

                        “He has made everything beautiful in its time”, (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

Tracy Frazier


The FOLD: Fellowship Opportunity for Ladies Discipleship

For further insight and contemplation the following links are provided;

Video: In Circle; Dannah Gresh / The Lies Young Women Believe

 Music Video: Mercy Me / Beautiful

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Let There Be God

What hope for tomorrow would we have if God’s promise of mercy was not the crown of each morning? New beginnings would be meaningless and mundane without grace and forgiveness shining on the horizon. Thankfully, our Creator knew we would be a people tethered to darkness, yet desperate for countless chances to feel the warmth of His radiance. Great and wise, God wove into the soul of man an awe of light. And in our tapestry story His love and hope shimmer…from the beginning. God tells us in the beginning of the book of John that He is both light and life.

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 
He was with God in the beginning. And through Him all things were made, and without Him was    nothing made that was made. In Him was life and that life was the light of man. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:1-5)

Looking back at the first recorded spoken words of God in Genesis 1:3; “Let there be light”, I see much more than the ancient account of our origin. I hear God proclaim “I am!” And with this introduction the Alpha and Omega extends to man the invitation to behold Him and be free from darkness. The words “Let there be light,” seemingly beckon us to let there be God! For if in our hearts we do not first believe there is God, how then are we to embrace His telling of our beginning? How can we process the wonder of His love pursuing us, or His mercy extended for our rejection and rebellion? Why would we accept His plan of restoration and grace if we did not first receive the truth that God is? Indeed we must first and foremost…let there be Light!

The reality of a Creator is perhaps most evident in the wonderful mirroring of Genesis’ account of the creation of both Earth and man. Only Divine Intelligence could design such vastly different life forms with such similar origins. Consider how in their beginnings each are formless and cloaked in darkness. Yet, in God’s capable hands are held water and spirit and by His Word alone, Light shines and life begins. With the Earth’s birth all creation sings of God’s glory. And beyond Adam and Eve, man follows in kind; for every newly born babe wails a song of life at the first sight of light. Light is life.

Still, the truth of Creation is claimed counterfeit by those who are spiritually blind. Those who will the Light a falsehood choose to grope in darkness for some cause and effect they can explain or touch. Yet, our Creator God is spirit...intangible and dwells in unapproachable light, (1Tim 6:16). How then are we to behold the Almighty: the One who speaks and it is so? By faith. Accepting the generous gift of God’s Word; Jesus Christ as God in the flesh.  

By embracing Jesus as the Light of man, who has come down from heaven to make atonement for our sins we are freed from the bondage of darkness. We are saved from spiritual blindness and eternal death. In an instance we are changed from children of the Night to children of the Day, and morning miraculously reigns in our heart (Gen. 1:4-5). New believers are then symbolic lamps which are filled and fueled by the Holy Spirit that they may exhibit the Light of Genesis 1:3.  Light overwhelms the darkness and people are reborn, made new. God words it this way;

 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone the new is here!                                                                                                                 (2 Cor 5:17NIV).
When we purpose to let there be Light, the mighty works of the Creator’s hands become clear.
A new song of life erupts from our heart. Praise pours from our lips and the assurance every evening will be overcome by morning keeps hope always on the rise (Gen. 1:5).
Oh, yes! Let there be Light!
Let there be God! Amen! Amen!

Tracy Frazier
The FOLD Ministry

For further insight and teaching view the inspirational videos below.
Video Clip: Patsy Clairmont / Let There Be Light
Worship Music Video: Jesus Culture: Father of Lights

Monday, November 4, 2013

A Blessing of Trust: Obedience

"but those who hope in the LORD will...soar on wings like eagles"
Isaiah 40:31 NIV
     There is an important connection between trust and obedience which makes a world of difference in the lives of Christ followers. For when we truly trust the goodness of God we believe in His Word and we are eager to obey Him. The flip side of course is doubt which paralyzes and produces disobedience. How so? When God tells us to do something, not acting as instructed is rebellion.  The compounded consequence is the immeasurable loss of blessing which is tethered to obedience and the vast riches of growing deeper in relationship with our Heavenly Father.  
     We could list many reasons why obedience is not our first response when the LORD calls us to His side in service. Yet, regardless of how many excuses we conjure up, the truth is each proclaims the same reality; we do not have enough trust in God and His Word over that area of our life to act.
     The stinging experience of facing my own anemic trust in the LORD was a turning point in my relationship with the Holy Trinity. For all my reading and studying of the Scriptures, I had a disconnect between my heart and my head. I knew the Word but I had not come to believe the word for me. The result was a lag in my obedience which is the same as disobedience. There were simply times I was afraid to do what God asked me. So I foolishly ignored the Spirit’s prompting. Other times I delayed responding until it was convenient and the opportunity was lost. I have no idea what adventure or glory for the LORD was lost by my disobedience nor can I measure the loss of intimacy with the Father my submission would have produced. But judging by the blessings associated with acts of immediate service in my life, I believe the loss is substantial. The Bible illustrates this principle again and again. For example, Abraham was quick to obey God’s call to sacrifice his son Isaac and the blessings of his single act of submission out-number the stars in the heavens! Graciously God does not leave us guessing what produced Abraham’s astounding obedience to this call. His Word states clearly it was Abraham’s faith, his trust in the goodness, faithfulness and power of God which empowered him to do the unthinkable, (Genesis 22).
    So how do we gain trust in God which will produce immediate obedience like Abraham? First we must spend time getting to know God. That means we read the Bible which is God’s primary and eternal revelation of Himself. Second, we ask the Holy Spirit to teach us the nature of God at work in every verse and how to apply it to our lives.  After all, the historical accounts of the LORD’s faithfulness to do what He says He would do are provided as evidence of His sovereignty, omnipotence and omnipresence. In short they prove Almighty God alone is worthy of our worship but most importantly our trust. Third we ask the LORD to heal us of any unbelief which may hinder our obedience, (Mar 9:24). For, when we believe as Jesus instructed Thomas; “Stop doubting and believe,” we are empowered like the obedient servants in the Bible! (John 20:27NIV). Soon the idea of walking on water, healing the sick, or even raising the dead become possible in the name of Jesus Christ and we are free to respond immediately to God’s call. (Mar 5:29), (Acts 9:15-18), (Acts 9:34), (Acts 10:33), (Acts 16:33), (Acts 22:17-21).
     I have found it true in my own journey of faith that the more trust expressed in my walk, the more intimate the LORD is with me. Greater intimacy produces deeper desire to surrender and serve. And though there are still times when I blow it and miss an opportunity to draw nearer to God, I find comfort in knowing His mercies “are new every morning”(Lam 3:22-23).
     Let us rejoice in the truth that Jesus did not die on the cross that we might be burdened with the weight of our weakness but that through repentance we would soar by His power! (Isa 40:31)
Tracy L. Frazier
The FOLD Ministry

For further insight and teaching view the inspirational videos below.
Video Clip: Shelia Walsh : Beautiful Things Happen When a Women Trusts God
Worship Music Video: Chelsea Moon w/The Franz Bros - Trust and Obey

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Writing on a Promise


            Do you know how many God proclaimed promises there are written in the Bible? How about in the New Testament? The truth is many Christians would find it difficult to answer that question without doing some kind of web search. I was determined to put myself to the challenge of recalling as many promises as I could. I started with fervor, tapping the keyboard of my laptop in a continuous cadence for several minutes. Scriptures were flying through my head and I was feeling good about my recall. After a few minutes an occasional pause broke my rhythm and soon the stream of scriptures slowed to a trickle. Ten minutes into the challenge I was nearly dried up. After fifteen minutes I had a sound sixty-five promises on my list!
            You can imagine my disappointment when I learned there were 250 promises in the New Testament. The number triples to 750 if you count repeats. Most of the promises are for the believer in Christ, but there are many for the non-believers also. For example Jesus promises to those who acknowledge Him before man, He will acknowledge them before His Father. But Jesus also promises that he will not acknowledge those who do not acknowledge him before man, (Matt. 10:32). I find these numbers incredible, especially considering these numbers only represent half of God’s written Word.
            So, why does it matter how many promises I can recall from the Bible? Because trying to live the victorious Christian life without complete information is like trying to finish a puzzle with half the pieces missing. The designed finished product will be incomplete no matter how efficiently I handle the ones I have. Each promise thereby represents an important part of the big picture and our story. If these precious truths are left unrealized how might the portrait of our life be effected? This question actually unsettles me.
            Author and Speaker, Lisa Bevere challenges the believer to know well the numerous promises the LORD has given us in His Word. Lisa emphasizes in her message Proverbs 3:3 which states;
             “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on    the tablet of your heart.”
            The promise we have from the LORD when we put this verse into practice is found in Proverbs 3:4;
            “Then you will win favor and a good name with God and man.”
            The principle then of learning these promises and believing them with all our heart, mind and soul is that they will begin to determine our story. Our lives will be infused with confidence and power because we trust what God says is truth. Belief will produce resolve which will bring about action which results in “favor with God and man,” (Proverbs 3:4).
            Lisa poignantly presents the promise of Proverbs 3:3-4; when we write the Word of God on our heart we take control of writing out our life stories…and we write them well!
            So how many of God’s promises can you recall? Chances are there are some that have slipped your mind. I’m resolved to accept Lisa’s challenge to begin writing God’s promises on my heart. Won’t you join me? Not just transferring information from the Bible to our heads, but accepting each promise as everlasting certainty. For Jesus says “Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my Word will never pass away”. Ladies that is a promise worth binding around our neck!   
Tracy L. Frazier
Director/Founder The FOLD Ministry

For further insight and teaching view the inspirational videos below.

 Video Clip: Lisa Bevere: Writing the Future (Words of Life)
Worship Music Video: Sanctus Real: Promises


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Empowered by GRACE

Living the Extraordinary Life
      “My grace is sufficient for you” is the LORD’s response to one of the Apostle Paul’s prayers for empowerment in his area of weakness, (2 Cr 12:9 NIV). What may appear as a cool response to a passionate plea actually reveals the power we are to live by and its source.  The reality is God plants within every Believer at their moment of salvation the fullness of Christ’s grace; His might, His wisdom, even His awesome ability to love. Everything the disciples need to accomplish God’s will in their lives rest in the declaration of 2 Corinthians 12:9. The LORD tells us why his grace is sufficient; “for my power is made perfect in weakness,” (2 Cr 12:9 NIV). Thus the abundant life we were created to live is intentionally yoked to our weakness. But what does God mean by weakness?

     Of all the words granted to us for communication and expression, three dominate our culture, “I am tired”.  We hear them every day from family, friends and co-workers. Some of us utter them regularly. This statement acts like a mantra of our generation. We state it over and over until we find ourselves under the spell of fatigue and living life in a state of lethargy. Whether young, old, working, retired, single or married the burden of weariness weighs us down and presses from our lips the tragedy of our lives, we are "tired." But is exhaustion what God meant as weakness?

      John Bevere hits the grace nail on the head in his new book, Extraordinary: The Life You're Meant to Live. With awesome insight John speaks to the impotent lives of Believers who strive in their own strength to persevere through life, when we were never expected to endure by our own strength but by faith in the One who is able to do all things. John's message is that faith--which is belief in God and His ability alone--is what opens the floodgates to the flow of abundant grace in our lives. He emphasizes it is our measure of faith which determines the level of grace we allow to empower us to live extraordinarily. Weakness is our human dependency on God.

      The all sufficient grace of God is planted in every Believer. But as John points out, it is our faith in this divine deposit of the Almighty’s power which is truly anemic. Why? John reasons that “Christians read what they believe and do not believe what they read,” in the Word of God.  Simply our faith tanks are small and running on low…some on empty…when it comes to accepting we can walk on water, heal the blind, even raise the dead. In other words the minds focused on and wrestling with doubt and fear dam the flow of grace, tire the body and oppress the spirit. Yet God’s Word tells us that through our believing...we can do extraordinary things. We can not only live the abundant life, we can display the awesome grace of God according to His will.

“I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.  And I will do       whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.  You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it,” (John 14:12-14).

      Beholding this truth and accepting it as the Believer’s reality, opens up the floodgates of Heaven; releasing the power, wisdom, love and peace of God. Grace Jesus longs to flow through our lives. Belief begins the flow of abundance. Faith empowers our weakness and we become an awesome force of grace in a lethargic world: A life of power which brings glory to God the Father. Why? Because it will be marked with extraordinary “greater things than these” of which Jesus did in His earthly ministry. Is this the kind of life we are living as followers of Christ?

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus           throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen,” (Ephesians 3:20-21NIV).

       So…are you tired of being tired? Me too! It is time to confess unbelief, repent of fatigued faith and show the world what it really looks like to be empowered by the Holy Spirit for the glory of our God!
Tracy Frazier
Director/Founder of The FOLD

For further insight and teaching view the inspirational videos below.
Video Clip: Crossroads/Full Circle TV: guest John Bevere
Video Message: Lakewood Church: guest speaker John Bevere
Worship Music Video: Chris Tomlin - Your Grace Is Enough For Me